Monday, 26 March 2012


The fact that cigarettes and food can't be consumed in reckless abandon is some kind of cruel joke.

~ thank god for sex

Food for thought

I know a watched pot doesn't boil, but this is ridiculous.

~ hungry, hungry hippo

Remember, wear sunscreen

Glass half empty: my new sunscreen makes me look like I've come down with a fever and the cold sweats

Glass half full: SICK DAY TOMORROW!

~ melanoma is whack, yo

Oops I did it again

I thought setting my alarm clock to play Britney Spears in the morning would bring a cheery disposition to my day.

Instead, now, upon hearing Britney in my daily life, I have to resist the urge to turn over and smack the person beside me.

~ hit me, baby, one more time

Flash dance

Dear coat;

As I strutted down a busy street I was all "DAMN, GIRL, you're looking fine" when two cars honked at me.

Imagine my horror upon looking down at my sexy self to realize that, unbeknownst to me, my coat was lifting my skirt with every step as an early-evening strip-tease.

What the fuck did I ever do to you, COAT?

~ Just call me Sweet Cheeks

Friday, 23 March 2012

Out of the closet

My clothes are the biggest assholes, ever. Why do they hide on me? Every morning I spend a discombobulated 15 minutes scrounging around in my closet looking for my brown pants or my pinstriped skirt.

All of my clothes fucking hide!

So then, when I finally settle on a compromise, I later enter my room to discover all of the offending articles chillin' on the hangers like they were there all the damn time.

No wonder I look like I got dressed in the dark, daily.

~coulda been sleeping

Thursday, 22 March 2012


I'm still being haunted by Angelina's leg at the Oscar's. I guess even pompous, skeleton, home-wreckers have self esteem issues.

~ Look at me! Look at me!


Unless I go out of my way to ask you: please do not share tales of your vagina splitting open during labour. No one wants to hear about your episiotomy; I shouldn't even know what that word means.

This applies particularly during family dinners with newly sperm-poisoned moms-to-be. And dudes.

Find a filter, douchebag.

~keeping my legs clamped shut

Baby Facebook

Babies are cute.

Some of us would even like one some day.

But posting about sucking snot out of your child's nose, the viscosity of their bowel movements or the state of your nipples is just not what I need to read as I peruse Facebook. People who I used to consider intelligent become socially inept over-sharers.

Thank you for ruining my creepathon, and my appetite. Not to mention my desire to procreate.

Do you really think I need to know about how cute your child is while vomiting in the back seat of your car?

Let me save you thousands in counseling: Keep that shit to yourself and you'll be able to integrate with the rest if us like a normal human being.


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Strategy of I-do-not-give-a-fuck

When you sit and play 'Draw Something' on your iPhone, don't think that my tolerance for socially unacceptable behavior is an indicator that I'm interested in brainstorming strategic game play.

~ you ruined my delicious lunch, asshole

Lunch time

When you ask me to have lunch with you and spend it playing 'Draw Something' on your iPhone, you are giving me permission to punch you in the penis.

Please, go fuck yourself.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Quitting is a nightmare

Screw cold turkey. I switched to the patch. Last night I experienced the vivid nightmares that are a side effect of the patch. I've been watching too much of the Walking Dead lately.

Happy to wake up to see my dude doesn't have a huge hole in his stomach. Poor Dale.

~ I should write horror movies

Bad luck

I have broken two mirrors in the past 48 hours. Does this mean 14 years of bad luck?

~ Still-working-off-the-mirror-I-broke-four-years-ago

Friday, 16 March 2012

Happy endings

Call me a prude, but is it really fucking appropriate to be giving coworkers massages at work?

Maybe in the case of chronic pain or something, but just for the hell of it?

~ if I were your boss, I would find a way to fire you

Let there be light!

Dear Faiblog;

 Thank you for making life more bearable by sharing this gem:


 We're allowed to like things, sometimes!

 ~ Gotta get down on Friday

Thursday, 15 March 2012


So far, the only really good thing about not smoking is the fact that I can finally just come out with exactly how I feel about the dumbasses surrounding me and people say "good for you" and buy me presents.

How long does this give me license to be frank, without being considered a bitch?

Stay tuned and we'll see.

~ enlightened one

'Tis the season


What is WITH people who excitedly write "FIRST" when they are, or feel that they could be, the first to post a comment on a popular blog post?

What are you, 5?

Do you even read the posts before frantically scrolling to the bottom to write "FIRST!! Me!!! I posted first!!!"?

There is something disconcerting about the fact that this is something people so desperately seek to achieve, and that they are so eager to celebrate it with others! What an accomplishment! You winner, you.

The best is when someone happily chants "WOAH! I'm FIRST!! ME! I DID IT" and they're like...the 12th comment.

Please, get a hobby or some interests beyond trolling through the Internet hoping to leave an impression by being the FIRST to comment. Also, please go fuck yourself.

~ LAST!!!!

They are referred to as privates for a reason

Just because you have a vagina and I also have a vagina, does not mean I want to hear about your vagina.

Unless it's hilariously embarrassing. Perhaps there can be small exceptions.

~ coochie coo

What the butt!?

When quitting smoking:


Why do people feel it is helpful to ask how life without cigarettes is going, over and over? HOW ABOUT I RIP OFF YOUR MOTHERFUCKING ARM AND REMIND YOU OF YOUR LOSS EVERY TEN MINUTES?

Why do non-smokers think it's helpful to insult you? "Smoking is so stupid! Your teeth were yellow, and man, you smelled disgusting! It made you look so trashy!" THAT WAS 6 DAYS AGO, ASSHOLE.

~ trying-not-to-kill-people-in-order-to-protect-the-gene-pool

Mary, Mary, quite contrary.

What is it about contrary people?

Me: the sky is blue today
Mary: actually, it's more of an aqua tone, with a hint of robin's egg and a touch of cornflower.

Please go fuck yourself.

~ Actually-your-face-is-stupid

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Dear Internet; Thank you for being so full of crap and useless junk, it took last-resorting to creepy ex-boyfriend wall-post history creeping to find this:

After an HOUR.

I think you might know what I suggest you do to yourself. And I'm not saying 'please'.


Song of right now:

Fuck you - by Lily Allen
Dear budgie,

If you continue to sing that way, I am going to pick you up and throw you against the wall.

It may be the lack of nicotine talking, but I don't know that I'm still a pet person.

Please go fuck yourself.

Dear internet,
Why you gotta make it so hard to open a goddamn email and blogger account? No, I will not type in your secret code words.  Maybe I am a robot. Maybe spam is totally my favourite. Maybe I just want to search for antique teacups or elephant porn.  Basically, I do not have the time nor inclination to brush up on my Aramaic and Hyleriogrhipics (fuck you too, spelling -- I hear you don't need that to fit in on the internet anyway), in order to open a goddamn email address.

Please go fuck yourself.